By 2065, Utah County will add 1 million people to its population, 85% from internal growth. We are planning for our kids to have healthy and meaningful places to work, live, learn, and play.

The Valley Visioning goal: to engage residents and stakeholders in a process that establishes a community-supported vision for growth in Utah County.

The Valley Visioning process will explore potential growth decisions, and at the conclusion of the process, policy makers and leaders will know which goals and planning strategies resonate best with residents and stakeholders as ways to achieve desired outcomes. The vision will act as a voluntary yet powerful framework to underpin future planning and implementation in the county. This framework will benefit from strong momentum and broad, demonstrated support as it is implemented through public, private, nonprofit and partnership activities.

The visioning process will involve stakeholders from:

  • Local Government

  • Existing employers in the area

  • Transportation agencies

  • Economic development groups

  • State legislature

  • Major landowners

  • Educational institutions

  • Utility Providers

These stakeholders will help identify the areas of highest concern and engage the public in hearing their concerns and ideas. Along with consultants and professionals to model potential futures for Utah County, these stakeholders and the public will select what they want for the future of their neighborhoods. The final vision will produce a cohesive plan to for everyone in the region to work towards to combat chaotic growth and keep Utah County a place that is healthy, neighborly, and prosperous.